Today is the day-- in just a few minutes, actually, I'll leave for the airport and begin a very long trek to Amsterdam and then Kilimanjaro Intl. Airport in Tanzania! We've gotten everything packed, with a HUGE help from my mom, of course! I look like a packmule just a little bit... but there it all is, everything I'll need for a whole year!
I have to thank so many of you for your prayers, cards, gifts, hugs, support, friendship, and great memories to keep company while I'm over there. The going away party was incredibly wonderful, and I can't thank my family enough for doing that for me. I will miss you all so much. Thank goodness for internet, I seriously don't know how I would go so long without keeping up with you guys!
Talk to you when I'm in tanzania! Here we go!!!
So happy you made it safely, and that the transition was uneventful. Your living space looks nice, and I hope you can rest up and be ready for all the students and adventures at 100% energy. Love you and miss you a lot already!