I have videos for you!
1. A slice of life- driving behind a dala dala with two young men holding on to the back of it, wearing roller blades. New meaning to 'hitching a ride'. Also, it's incredibly dry here these days and when we drive out to one of our tanzanian schools on friday, we hit some pretty intense dust. Check it out:
I transported my soul far and long out of this bus
where those flakes of white and glittering snow were.
Cascading, rolling in a flutter up and over the roofs
In one heavy sigh of earth’s cool breath
Within me there, childhood awe pulled me back
The millions of wings reflecting across the glaze of my eyes
and standing in the grass alone, I felt them tickle my arms and hair
Closing all thoughts of the dusty, filthy ground around me
I could be lifted as gracefully and joyfully as this African snow
They were there together, one bright body in a river of flight
And you could hear the whisper of their ancestors
(In each patter of a wing)
who had passed the speechless stories
that taught them to fly from Mombasa to Chimoio
I watched as the mountain, arms wide and strong,
Poured out all that is her bounty.
Feeding them nectar and rain for their exhausting passage;
Offering another gust of forward guidance
when they stopped to fall in love with a brighter
and more colorful flower than the last
The rhythm of each butterfly’s lift and fall
brought them closer to a distant place I'll never know.
As I watched their sightless trust in the wind,
their comfort in spinning together or alone,
sleeping only when their journey is finished,
I too could breathe deeper,
knowing that my wings are not alone in this blind voyage.